As a pastor, I will be handing it out for years to come."- Kyle Idleman, pastor, author of Grace Is Greater Chip Ingram is the founder and CEO of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. That's the reason I didn't just pick up one copy of Why I Believe to add to the apologetics section of my bookshelf, but why I ordered boxes of this book.

In fact, buy a few extra copies because you will want others to have this book."- Kay Arthur, cofounder of Precept Ministries International "Chip Ingram has a way of taking complex and intimidating material and making it accessible and applicable to everyone. Read, study, and share this book."- Andy Stanley, senior pastor of North Point Ministries "The apostle Peter tells us to always be ready to answer anyone who asks for a reason for the hope we have (1 Peter 3:15). Being ready doesn't have to be intimidating. Chip Ingram has presented a straightforward case for why he believes. This book will help strengthen your own belief and give you resources for communicating it to others."- Jim Daly, president, Focus on the Family "This is a keeper-a classic! You will learn so much that will help you encounter the culture in a powerful way. His careful attention to doubts and questions will help Christians dive deeper into their faith and live it out more fully. Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, you will be greatly encouraged and challenged by the stories and evidence in this book."- Sean McDowell, PhD, author, speaker, professor "Chip Ingram has given us a fantastic guide for not only knowing what we believe but for owning, understanding, and defending those beliefs. Through both research and personal stories, Chip shares why he went from a full-blown skeptic to a Christian. " Why I Believe tackles some of the toughest questions of our day.

The result is often intimidation, withdrawal, and even doubts among God's people about what we really believe.

Responding to the perception that Christians are prejudiced, anti-intellectual, and bigoted has become a greater challenge than ever before.